Why the TELESTO mist?
This is a method for effective cooling
Droplets in the mist stream are several hundred times smaller than in traditional
sprinkler systems. As a result, from the same amount of water a much larger
number of droplets can be obtained. Such droplets more precisely
cover the surface to be cooled and, due to evaporation,
more effectively remove heat from hot products.

Traditional systems
A standard droplet or water jet in contact with a warm surface heats up only slightly with a moderate cooling effect, while most of the liquid falls onto the ground.

Telesto mist
Due to a large surface in contact with the product the mist evaporates, quickly removing heat from the products. In this way effective cooling is ensured.
What are the benefits of using the TELESTO mist?
The effectiveness of mist cooling systems is based primarily on specially designed nozzle heads that produce mist with a droplet size of 10–50 microns.
Less water – more profits
Costs of water collection and disposal in the meat processing industry are of great importance for the financial bottom line.
Significant savings can be achieved by using mist in the cooling process.
Water consumption
Wastewater production
An eco-friendly way to save money
Furthermore mist cooling is both environmentally and economically justified. Compared to the traditional method, product cooling using a mist system can reduce water consumption and wastewater production by up to 70%.
* The costs of the mist installation pay off after a few months.

One Medium

Low Pressure

Simple Installation
The TELESTO system in various plants
Kiszeczka plant
Kiszeczka plant – a very interesting project, because it was created from scratch, literally. Building a plant from scratch. The owners put their trust in Telesto and ordered a system in a 2+1+1 configuration, i.e. one station for misting two trolleys at the same time plus two single stations. A double water connection turned out to be an interesting solution. It is for hot and cold water. Hot water is used to rinse fat rendered after the heating process, and cold water serves for cooling the products. All stations have been connected in this way. As a result there is no need to waste time moving trolleys to additional places in the process. This means that in addition to saving water, space and time savings are also achieved. Great!

Wierzejki plant
And how did it start?
It started, as it usually happens, “incidentally”. On one of the projects to protect the industrial fryer at the Wierzejki meat processing plant, during a discussion with the plant owner, an issue emerged concerning huge amounts of water used to cool products after the smoking process.
It turned out that many plants used “showers” suspended from the water system for this purpose, that poured large volumes of water and in fact wasted it. Because due to over 10 years‘ experience in mist generation our company gained the necessary know-how about cooling, a decision was made to design a system for cooling meat processing products using mist nozzle heads. At 15 stations used for cooling, mist nozzle multi-heads were installed (2 multi-heads with 10 mist nozzle heads per station in total).
The difference between a standard shower and nozzle multi-heads consists in the way the water is supplied. Standard showers mounted under the ceiling supply water only from the top, which has a huge impact on the quality of cooled products on lower levels of the trolley. This is due to the distribution of temperature in such a way that it is lower at the top and higher at the bottom. With nozzle multi-heads mounted, mist is fed from the side of the trolley, which allows for uniform and highly precise mist distribution and temperature equalization throughout the entire surface of the trolley.
Additionally, tests performed at the plant showed that while the cooling time remained unchanged, the amount of water used in the process was reduced dramatically. From that moment on, the plant has been saving about 70% of water used for cooling – since 2021, the installation has worked continuously without interruptions, to the satisfaction of its owner.
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